Five golden rules
SBC – Slovenian Business Club
1. Excellence, accountability, fairness
The Slovenian Business Club brings together top-level Slovenian entrepreneurs who have built their careers on their ideas or who come from family business backgrounds. No member of the SBC was involved in the “tycoonisation” and none have any connection with the politics tied to the plundering of Slovenian assets during privatisation. Each applicant for membership has to show that they have no record of criminal conviction and that they have been paying their dues to the state.
2. Political neutrality
We, members of the Slovenian Business Club, do not belong to any political party. We support the club’s unbiased position in regard to the political parties of Slovenia. We hope and expect that Slovenia’s political parties will not only listen to our arguments, which are based on experience, but will also put our suggestions and requests into effect.
3. Support for propulsive development and an entrepreneurial Slovenia
To achieve this goal, we cultivate an intensive dialogue with all political parties and call for the adoption of joint measures that are necessary for a strong developmental breakthrough in the economy in general and in public finances. The quality of this development is contingent upon accountable and exceptionally successful domestic entrepreneurs, who are the backbone of our economy. This is how we, members of the Slovenian Business Club, contribute our share to making the business environment in Slovenia more entrepreneur-friendly.
4. Promoting mutual business friendships and strengthening the recognisability of Slovenia
Committed to fostering mutual friendships, members of the SBC co-operate and support one another and the Club, thereby facilitating access to domestic and international markets. On global markets, we strengthen the visibility of Slovenia and the exceptional Slovenian entrepreneurs.
5. Nurturing young talent and providing support for top-class development in harmony with nature.
In particular, members of the SBC encourage and support young talent and entrepreneurs to get their business initiatives off the ground. We encourage the development of advanced, environmentally sound technologies and business models with high added value relative to the average achievements within specific sectors of industry.
Slovenian Business Club – GIZ Ljubljana
Dunajska cesta 119 | SI-1000 Ljubljana