services and products speaks for itself.
of plastic injection tools

process of tooling development, production and maintenance.

of plastic injection tools
services and products speaks for itself.
High quality standards that meet all the requirements of the European market.
Transforming ideas into excellent tools with cost-effective solutions!
Injection tooling
We offer manufacturing options in China or Europe depending on your needs and specifications.
Manufacture of components
We manufacture individual components for tools and deliver them to your production facility in order to save you time.
Tool modifications and maintenance
Our company provides an outstanding after-sales service. To avoid the excessive costs due to the repair of the molds, it is important that they are properly maintained.
Tool prototypes are essential for testing an object before proceeding with production. The prototypes allow us to manufacture limited series as a preliminary step to large-scale manufacturing.
Inserts sintering
Industrial 3D printing with direct metal laser sintering – DMLS technology enables our customers to cost-effectively produce a variety of prototypes or small series of products.
Effective solutions according to European standards
We offer customized solutions adapted to the needs and specifications of each client and their project.
These solutions encompass the process from production to after-sales support.
Tool optimization, repair and maintenance.
Plastic injection molding tool optimization.
Plastic injection molding tool repair and processing.
Plastic injection molding tools maintenance.
- Custom-made solutions
- DFM Report
- Mold flow analysis
- Inserts sintering
- Part scanning
- Meeting the agreed production deadlines
- Guaranteed quality
- 100% reliability
- Problem solving
- Cost-effective solutions
Always striving towards long-lasting partnerships
OECO Tooling solutions is a company bringing together a group of dedicated professionals specialized in the manufacture and sales of plastic injection tools. What sets it apart from the competition is the fact that it provides a complete service from manufacture to after-sales maintenance. This guarantees a long life expectancy of tools and is a solution for many companies seeking continuous support throughout all the aspects of injection molding.
“All our efforts are focused on creating good and lasting relationships with our clients, which we achieve through the impeccable work carried out by the entire team.”
Milan Šebalj
Insights and trends
Recent articles
Follow our latest news and thoughts with a focus on insights and industry trends.
Fair PLAST 2023
We are excited to announce that OECO d.o.o. will be participating as an exhibitor at PLAST2023 in Milan, which will take place at Fiera Milano Rho from Tuesday, September 5th, 2023, to Friday, September 8th, 2023.
Industry 4.0
The current world situation is generating great awareness about the number of robots and automation that are in many manufacturing companies around the world.
Who invented the airbag?
His name was Peter Florjančič and yes, he was from Slovenia, which makes us very proud to be Slovenians too. And not just the airbag, he also invented a closing system for plastic injection machines and patented about 400 other interesting inventions.
Growth and trends in the injection molding industry
Nowadays, the role of plastics in the automotive sector is undoubted of great importance. From the design stage to its production stage, plastic plays a fundamental part.
A walk through time
Plastic injection industry is getting bigger every year. Modern world can not be imagined without it. But how it all started and how will it evolve in the future?